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Standing Rides
local community rides organized by various groups*:
- Mon, 5:30p, Ogletree Elementary. Easy.
- Tue, 6a, Toomer's Corner. Hard.
- Tue, 5p, Chewacla SP, CAMP kids.
- Tue, 6p, Chewacla SP, CAMP rides. All.
- Wed, 5:30p, Auburn High. Medium.
- Thur, 6a, Toomer's Corner. Hard.
- Thur, 5:30p, Auburn High. Easy.
- Sat, 6a, Veterans & Oak Bowery, Dirt roads. Medium.
- Sat, 7:45a, Bike & Breakfast ride, all speeds/distances.
- Sat, 10a, Chewacla SP, base-CAMP.
- 2nd Sun every month, 9a, carpool from Auburn High. Easy.
- Sun, 4:30p, Chewacla SP, CAMP. All.
*All these rides are open and welcoming of cyclists assuming you're prepared (helmet, working bike, etc) and riding within your means. Most of these rides are organized by other groups who we're happy to put you in touch with if you need more information.