Adventurous cyclists,
Our August ride is the annual trek along the Chattahoochee Riverwalk in Columbus. It's a generally flat, out-and-back ride along the river. We’ll explore the northern section of the Riverwalk first, then head south. About 25 miles total, but you can shorten or extend it as you like. Afterwards, supper at Canon Brew Pub.
Meet in Columbus at 4:00 PM Eastern Time in front of the Canon Brew Pub. If you’re leaving from the Auburn/Opelika area, leave around 2:00 PM Central Time to get to Columbus by 4:00 EDT).
Date: Sunday, August 11.
Time: Meet in Columbus at 4:00 PM Eastern Time in front of the Canon Brew Pub (leave Auburn/Opelika around 2:00 PM Central Time).
Road Conditions: All paved, any bikes/tires will do.
Bring: Water. Treasure for supper at Canon Brew Pub.
See you on August 11,
The Second Sunday Ride
Not a Ride … an Adventure!