EACC Minutes 13 May 2019
“David Moynihan Presents: From Vintage Steel to Modern Carbon: Two Films on Making Bikes”
Thirteen members attended the meeting. Mike Hogan opened the meeting and members made announcements before David led the program.
Announcements (out of order):
Mike talked about a proposal he’s making to the Auburn Bike Committee to restripe Harper Ave (connecting Ross and Dean). He proposed to eliminate the 10-feet parking stripes and incorporate 2, 5-feet bike lanes on either side of the street. This inexpensive change would make the street safe for the many cyclists who use it as an access road to Kroger. Bruno took copies of Mike’s proposal and promised to present it to the committee.
Larry reminded us and talked about the upcoming Ride of Silence on May15, 2019. It leaves James Brothers Bikes/Opelika at 6:45 and reassembles there for libations.
Several mentioned the joint meeting of Auburn Bike Committee and the Opelika Bicycle Advisory Committee scheduled for Thursday, May 16, and the Resting Pulse Brewery in Opelika.
Angela re-introduced the tube recycling program. We’re partnering with Rick of Trek Auburn who will deliver shop tube to club meeting. She promised an explanatory email shortly about the companies and their products.
Chris talked about the Tuesday Night Time Trials and encouraged all to come out and ride and/or support.
Melissa talked about her successful inaugural Back2Biking program held earlier on the Charlotte and Curtis Ward Bike Path paralleling Shell Toomer. Many of those present participated. She’ll be letting us know when the June program is scheduled. The July 8 program is at Parking Services on Auburn University campus where we’ll learn how to use the ride share program.
David introduced the first film made in 1945. He believes it predated the devastating bombing of World War II. It pictured a Raleigh? Factory and detailed the stages of steel bike construction from the frame to the components including wheels, cranks, even chain wheels. The second film brought us to the present with an overview of carbon frame technology using the LOOK company. The GCN host “jumped” from France to Tunisia, where LOOK has its fabricating facilities, explaining with amazing clarity the many stages of construction. In sum he dispelled the notion that carbon frames were poured in a mold but rather stunned us with the complexity and care with which they are made.
In conversations afterwards, Rick gave a wrap up of the Tour de Troup, a tremendous success for a first run. He had a total of 80 riders (rain had been expected but the sun shone). Most rode the metric with others doing the family 5-mile route. It’s already scheduled for the 2d Saturday in May 2020.
He also reminded us about the Shop to Shop ride scheduled for July 27. This year, there will be two groups of riders, one leaving the Lagrange store and the other leaving the Trek store. There will be shuttles at each store to return riders who prefer to ride only 50 miles (in one direction). Those stalwart others will ride a 100-mile round trip. There will be one rest stop and SAG support. More info coming on facebook and elsewhere.
David popped popcorn; Joe Bauknecht’s wife baked a delicious pound cake; Larry bought a box of Cabernet Sauvignon; Melissa shared leftover donut holes and other treats from her Back2Biking program. Everyone enjoyed and appreciated the treats.